96 – April 6
“Where love is concerned, too much is not even enough.”—Pierre de Beaumarchais
It was the “Balance and Perspective” class—the seventh in my workshop series of eight classes. I had asked everyone to bring a testimonial letter that was written to them. A testimonial letter is any letter that describes how wonderful you are in glowing, specific terms. We were going to take turns reading each other’s testimonial letters out loud.
A beautiful young couple, Donna and David, created a special moment for us. Donna had written a two-page letter to David, declaring all the beautiful things she loved about him. As he gave the letter to Donna to read aloud to him, we could see that the letter was worn and crimped from usage, having been read and reread many times over. He said that he carries the letter with him at all times, and reads it whenever things get tough.
As Donna began to read her letter, I told David to take every word in, that it was all true. Donna spoke passionately and with meaning; we could see the emotion welling up inside him until it spilled over in sparkling tears. (Do men know how beautiful they are when they cry?) He sat and listened to the woman he loved tell him how lovable he was and he cried unabashedly, with humility and grace. A blessed hush fell on the room as Donna’s rich voice deepened with grateful tears of her own. We sat ensorcelled in our circle, breathless with wonder at the shared outpouring of love. Unwilling to break the spell, we quietly watched their embrace and held a moment more. No one spoke.
Tears streaming down my own face, I reached silently for the tissue box, and held it out to the loving couple. The noise of the tissue ripping from the box broke our fascination. With giggles and laughter everyone in the room got up to get one.
Love binds us in passionate threads of golden warmth, silver tears and red-rimmed eyes. In the face of true love, openly expressed, we are all silent participants. We are changed. We are whole. We are one.
Have you written a love letter recently? Ever? Would you write one today?
Today’s Affirmation:
“I love and am loved. I am in the heart of everything.”
I received a lovely testimonial about the power of affirmations from Harriet Cohen, who came to hear me speak at the ASTD (American Society of Training and Development) meeting Saturday in Pasadena. Harriet is a great coach and business consultant. Her company Training Solutions provides clients expert assistance in the various disciplines of business development, strategic planning, human resources, training and development. You can find out more about her and her services at www.trainingsolutions-hlc.com. She wrote:
“I have been following Chellie Campbell for 6 years since I first read her book. I was at a low point in my life and little did I realize the impact of her book and more importantly the affirmations. Over the last 6 years I could easily trace when I stopped doing the affirmations and when I got smart and refocused on my goals and affirmations.
“I am always amazed at how they work and still a little thrilled. Most recently several things happened and the one that is fun is Italy. My dream trip is to visit Italy, Greece, and more and ideally takes a month. I have spoken about it often and was back to doing my affirmations; within one month my dear friend Suzanne said we are going to Italy, and then a student of mine who is from Rome reconnected with me. She is going home, is in the hotel business and gave me a slew of connections. Then a networking connection asked me to assist a client of hers with a resume. The client couldn’t afford my fees but she was from Napoli and is giving me another slew of connections: she may even go with us or at least connect us with a guide for free. Oh, and I’m going to Napoli, Sorrento, Palermo, and Syracuse in December.
“Thank you Chellie for reminding me to do my affirmations, take action and believe!!!”
You’re very welcome, Harriet. As are all of you who read these affirmations, practice the lessons in this blog, and go for your dreams. You deserve to have a fabulous life!