Everyone’s in Sales

Chellie Meme - Gold Calling 123

204 – July 23

“I don’t care how many degrees you have on the wall, if you don’t know how to sell, you’re probably going to starve.”—George Forman

Some of the stories in this book look like they’re meant just for salespeople and business owners. They aren’t. If you are a salaried employee, someone owns the business you work for and someone is in charge of raising the money to run it. Top salaries and perks are handed out to the people who are best at bringing in the money. Learn how they do it and contribute to the cause. Be one of the people who care about cash flow, cutting expenses, maximum efficiency, and productivity. Look for opportunities to maximize income and minimize expenses. Anyone can do this. Put yourself in your bosses’ shoes and think as they think. What do you think they want most—and how can you give them that? Be one of the profit centers of the business and your success will be assured.

Everyone is in sales. When you convince your significant other to go with you to the movie you want to see, that’s a sale. When you convince your child to stay in school, that’s a sale. When you convince a friend to stop drinking, that’s a sale.

I’m reminded of a conversation I had one day with a boyfriend named Bobby. I was trying to convince him to go with me to a movie. Well, Bobby was a salesperson too, and all of a sudden noticed all the sales techniques I was using on him. He said, “Chellie, you are closing all the time and you don’t even know you’re doing it!”

When I said, “Well, you know you want to see me,” he said, “That’s the Assumptive Close!” I continued, “And we could either go see that romantic comedy or the spy movie” and he said, “That’s the Alternative of Choice Close!” I said, “We would have fun, get to laugh, eat popcorn, have some balance in our lives, and the only down side is taking some time away from work.” “Benjamin Franklin Close!” Bobby hooted. “So what do you think?” I said, and stopped talking. Bobby didn’t say anything either. After a long silence, Bobby said, “Final Close, and The Next One Who Speaks Loses. I guess that’s me.” And so we went to the movies!

We’re all making sales every day. Use your powers of persuasion to convince others to contribute to your charity, organize political action, improve the schools in your community, or help you turn a hobby into a money-making home business. Help your company to make more money—and then convince the powers that be to give you a raise. The raise will not come automatically—you have to ask for it and show the reasons why you deserve it. It’s a sale.

You are a marvelous, creative human being and endless opportunities await you. Look for them. Then sell your way into them.

Today’s Affirmation:
“I am a marvelous, creative person and wonderful opportunities await me.”

My friend, consultant and trainer Harriet Cohen, wrote this in her blog “to honor Chellie Campbell in her book The Wealthy Spirit page 204, everyone is in sales:”

Ok, so if we are all selling, which we are, why are the elevator speeches and introductions we give such a turn off? We want people to buy from us because of our integrity, credibility and product or service benefit yet the 1st thing we say to people can end an interaction or discussion before it even starts.

I was at a networking event recently and everyone except for me (better do it right if I’m going to teach it) said their name 1st and their industry; esthetician, therapist, financial planner, etc. Why is this a problem? Simple it gives the listener the chance to immediately apply their perception about the industry and never hear the benefits the speaker offers.

Your elevator speech or introduction is simply a hook to get someone’s attention and unless your name is famous and you can play with it, your name or industry means zero to the listener. Your industry is only important if they need that and the chances there are small.

Tell people a problem, ask a question, or provide a hook to get them to listen to you. I might ask if the listener knows their target market and how to reach them before their competitor does, or if they know the difference between customer service and customer satisfaction and why that is a major factor in their business success. One of my clients teaches people how to like their kids and enjoy family time again. If you think that doesn’t get people to listen guess again!

Think about how you come across to others and if you aren’t sure ask your friends or ask me. Make sure when you sell you, people know how wonderful what they buy will be!

Harriet Cohen
Training Solutions
PO Box #984
Agoura, CA 91376-0984
Website: www.trainingsolutions-hlc.com
Blog: trainingsolutionshlc.wordpress.com

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Chellie Campbell is a Financial Stress Reduction® Coach and the author of The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and From Worry to Wealthy. She is one of Marci Shimoff's “Happy 100” in her NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Past president of the LA Chapter NAWBO, she was "Most Inspirational Speaker" by Women in Management and "Speaker of the Year" by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs. She does daily inspirational videos in The Wealthy Spirit Group on Facebook.

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