The Sprinter and the Long Distance Runner

Family - Carole, Jane & Me in Vegas 2014
The best sisters in the world!

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“Time is a great teacher. Unfortunately, it kills all pupils.”—Hector Berlioz

The sprinter runs at top speed, with an all-out burst of energy, heart pounding and legs pumping to beat the wind to the finish line. Exhausted, lungs bursting at the end, the racer collapses and rests. He will sprint again. Later.

The long distance runner cannot sprint—the course is too long. He must learn a different set of skills; he must know how to pace himself, to select those moments in which to push harder and faster, when to ease into the regular run for maintenance.

Life is not a sprint. It is a long distance race.

Too many people are pushing themselves at top sprinting speed every day, every week, year after year. They don’t pace themselves. They don’t take a break to recover after a big push to meet a deadline—instead a new deadline takes its place and a new sprint begins. The project gets finished but another project stands urgently behind that one. And another. And another. The sales quota, when met, gets raised. Like a meal rushed to its conclusion, the achievement is gulped untasted. Burnout of mind and body arrives after too many sprints in a row.

When was your last vacation? When was your last three-day weekend? What day of the week is your “Do Nothing Day”?

Are you trying to sprint long distance?

Today’s Affirmation:
“My life is beautifully paced, with nurturing rests between triumphs.”

My sisters Carole Wiltfong, Jane Campbell Markota and me at the Venetian in Las Vegas
My sisters Carole Wiltfong, Jane Campbell Markota and me at the Venetian in Las Vegas

Today’s guest blog is a wonderful piece on accountability by my friend and relationship coach, Curt Gorlick. He outlines pertinent questions to ask yourself, and stresses the importance of choosing the right people to help you on your way.

Accountability: Is it Important?

Accountability is one of the most overlooked and undervalued pieces of the puzzle to achieving personal and business goals. Without accountability many things in your life would not be present. In fact, lack of accountability could be the biggest reason why you don’t currently have what you want in life.

When you choose the wrong person to be accountable to it is counter-productive and a waste of precious time and money. Here are some examples of choosing the wrong person to keep you accountable.

  1. Someone who is toxic to you.
  2. Someone you do not admire or look up to.
  3. Someone who doesn’t believe you can achieve the goals you’re seeking.
  4. Someone who is not committed to your end results.
  5. Someone who does not know how to keep you on track.
  6. Someone who buys into your excuses for not having done the work you promised to do.

On the flip side of the coin, choosing the right people will turn your life and business around. Here are some examples of choosing the right accountability person for you.

  1. Someone who believes you can do whatever you commit to.
  2. Someone who has an interest in your success.
  3. Someone who you will look up to and appreciate.
  4. Someone who is an expert in the area you’re looking to success in.
  5. Someone who knows how to keep you focused and on track.
  6. Someone who knows how to shift your current mindset to one that will get you where you want to go.
  7. Someone who you made a financial investment in.

It’s all about the choices you make in life. These choices will either keep you stuck or move you to where you want to be.

Look at some of the impacts of poor choices.

  • The growing number of people getting divorced.
  • Those who stay in bad relationships because they give up on themselves.
  • Solo-preneurs, home base business and small business owners who are stressed out and overwhelmed because they have a mindset that they have to do everything by themselves.

Life is short, my friends. If you’re spinning your wheels and losing sleep at night worrying about all the “what ifs,” this information is coming to you at a good time.

Here are some tips to help you out of your “what ifs.”

  1. Start looking after yourself first. Remember, it starts at the top.
  2. Don’t confuse looking after yourself first with meaning you are on your own. Instead, it means changing your focus and mindset to realize that there is a great deal of support available to you. You just need to ask for it.
  3. Discover how you learn and process information. Do you learn by reading or listening to people? Do you take action once you get the information you need, or do you require someone else to make you accountable for the things you say you want? A lot of people don’t consider this crucial step. It is very important to know who and what will keep you on the right track to get the life you want.
  4. Be aware of who you ask to help you to get what you want and make you accountable for your actions. Consider your focus. Is it in your personal or business life? Do you ask people because they are your friends or family members? Who do you want your accountability partners to be? Choose wisely.
  5. Want to speed up your results? Then team up with someone who already has what you want to achieve.

Being accountable is vitally important to success in anything you want to accomplish. Whether you’re looking to find what makes you happy, have better relationships, create your balanced life, or grow your business, being accountable to someone is of utmost importance.

When you start your quest to become the person you want to be, how do you stay on the right track? Who will be on your side to cheer you on? Who are you accountable to now? How is that working?

Known as the “Life Choice Strategist” Curt Gorlick is an expert coach on mindset and successful life skill strategies. With his thought provoking questions, success tools and resources, Curt breaks down barriers that keep people stuck from living the life they truly want. Curt had gone through very difficult times and now lives the life he loves. By way of coaching, writing and speaking he helps others live the life they want. Learn more and connect with Curt at

Prosperity is a habit. You have to practice it every day.

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Chellie Campbell is a Financial Stress Reduction® Coach and the author of The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and From Worry to Wealthy. She is one of Marci Shimoff's “Happy 100” in her NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Past president of the LA Chapter NAWBO, she was "Most Inspirational Speaker" by Women in Management and "Speaker of the Year" by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs. She does daily inspirational videos in The Wealthy Spirit Group on Facebook.

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