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250-September 7
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”—Chief Seattle
I stood in the aircraft hanger with my family, looking at the half-built shell of the space shuttle. It was “Family Day” at Edwards Air Force Base in Palmdale for employees of Rockwell International. On this day, we were allowed to climb around, over, up, under, and through the shuttle and its amazing technological support systems. We saw the intricacies of the spacecraft; we gazed in amazement at roomfuls of computer networks, electronic hardware, work stations, and raw materials. Children and adults covered the hangar like ants on honey; touching, feeling, grasping to wrap their minds and arms around the immensity of this project.
I paused in the middle of the hubbub and turned to my father, who had helped design the shuttle’s navigational systems.
“How many people does it take to build a space shuttle?” I asked.
“About four thousand,” he answered.
“And how many people does it take to get the shuttle up and flying around the Earth?”
“About four hundred fifty thousand.”
Ah. I let my breath out slowly, standing reverently in this truth, and thought how much like the ants we really are. One ant cannot survive alone. One person cannot put up a space shuttle. One person can paddle a canoe, but it takes a crew to sail a cruise ship. We need teams.
And we have them. Your teams are all around you.
Some teams are formalized. Corporations are teams. Communities, cities, political parties, charities—all are teams. Networking groups exist to help each other by giving referrals. When you’re on the team, it’s just as much fun to give your teammate a great business lead as it is to get one yourself.
But your informal team is all around you, every day. Your family of birth and your family of choice: friends, co-workers, golf-buddies, hairdresser, friends on the web. The person standing behind you at the grocery store could need your services or know someone who does. I’ve made connections at the gas station, at the post office, on the ski lifts.
My friend, Victoria Loveland-Coen, author of Manifesting Your Desires, wrote a wonderful book on baby bonding. Victoria wanted to connect with Rosie O’Donnell, who is well-known as a children’s advocate. She immediately put the word out to all her teams. I didn’t think I could help her until one evening when I overheard a fellow poker-player mention her “good friend” Rosie. My ears perked up immediately. “You know Rosie O’Donnell?” I asked. “For years!” she said. The connection was made.
You have but to ask and the support of a team is yours. Some you pay in dollars and some you pay in love.
What are you trying to do alone, while your life team stands by, at-the-ready, waiting, hoping to help?
Today’s Affirmation: “I give and receive loving support from all my teammates today!”

People Love to Give You Money!!
I’ve been focused on women and money for the past several years, since my publisher asked me to write a new book specifically for women in business. Here’s a bit about that book:
From Worry to Wealthy: A Woman’s Guide to Financial Success Without the Stress by Chellie Campbell
“Filled with fun and enlightening financial strategies to make you happy and rich, Chellie has written a delightful, thought-provoking book!”—Janet Bray Attwood, NY Times Bestselling author, The Passion Test
Achieve Financial Freedom for Life with Chellie Campbell’s No-Stress Success Plan
Are you struggling to take your career to the next level? Do money and finances stress you out? You aren’t alone! Millions of women are climbing the corporate ladder or starting businesses, but most lack the courage or know-how to get from one step to the next.
From Worry to Wealthy is the guide every savvy career woman needs to succeed on her own terms. In this talk from her empowering book, personal finance guru Chellie Campbell draws on proven strategies from her popular Financial Stress Reduction® Workshops to help women win at work and life, including advice on how to:
Harness the four C’s of career success: Confidence, Charisma, Clients and Cash
- Avoid common pitfalls like The Attitude That Will Kill Your Business: “I Can Do It Myself”
- Learn how to transform “cold calling” to “gold calling”
- Put the “fun” back in “funds”
- Gain business knowledge from everything you do (even playing poker!)
- With her unique female perspective, relatable anecdotes, and easy-to-follow advice, Chellie offers an indispensable roadmap for every businesswoman to create a successful, happy life and living at any time.
“Chellie is one of the happiest people I know, and her new book will help you be happier and richer, too. Written especially for women, her friendly, easy guide will show you how to master your own game of business, doing good, making money, and having fun. The men are going to want this, too!”—Marci Shimoff, Professional Speaker, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No Reason, Love For No Reason, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
“What a wonderful book! This is a terrific guide to living a rich life – spiritually, mentally, and physically. Filled with wonderful stories and examples, keeping in mind these principles will help you have confidence, charisma and cash in your business and in your life.”—Barbara Stanny, Author Overcoming Underearning and Secrets of Six-Figure Women