
The Wealthy Spirit Singapore/Malaysian edition

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247 – September 4

“So many thirsty pass so close to the water, yet do not drink.”—Sufi Proverb

Jim Rohn, a great speaker and business philosopher, wrote that motivation is a mystery. He said, “Give a lecture to a thousand people. One walks out and says, ‘I’m going to change my life.’ Another one walks out with a yawn and says, ‘I’ve heard all this before.’ Why is that?” He shakes his head in wonder that a millionaire tells a thousand people about a book that started him on the path to wealth, yet very few of them ever get the book. If people are listening to this man talk, and probably paid money to hear him, why wouldn’t they do what he told them to do? He called this a mystery of life.

During one session of the Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop, I had twenty-five participants. On the day of the last class, twenty-four of them wrote glowing reviews of the course on their evaluation sheets. The twenty-fifth didn’t come to the last class, but instead left a message on voice-mail that she “didn’t hear anything new” and wanted a refund of her money. Why was that? She heard the same information. Why couldn’t I reach her, too?

Many people are looking for someone special who holds the key to their success. They believe that the right key will unlock their potential. What they don’t realize is that everyone has that key. They’re being showered with keys all the time. They just don’t turn it in their lock. Instead of saying, “This isn’t working for me,” they need to say, “How can I make this work for me?”

Look for your key today. Then put it in your lock and turn it.

Today’s Affirmation:
“I learn from all around me and grow wiser, richer, and happier every day.”

The Wealthy Spirit Singapore/Malaysian edition
The Wealthy Spirit Singapore/Malaysian edition

I really enjoy reading my own pages from “The Wealthy Spirit”. The life lessons I’ve learned in the past are often lessons I need to relearn right now in the present! I am constantly reminded to walk my talk and keep all these principals for living active in my life.

I don’t always see it. Then I need other people to share their wisdom with me.

For example, I was annoyed because I was feeling like other people were copying my writings and teachings, sending out their own twists to what I said to market their own seminars and teleclasses. Now, I spend a lot of time writing these blog pieces, my monthly newsletters, and various emails and blog posts. So I was a bit in a snit over this.

I participate in a monthly mastermind group with several other coaches, and I mentioned this issue with some irritation. Then my friend and fabulous fellow coach, Louise Crooks, asked, “What is it taking away from you?”

That stopped me in my tracks. “Uhh….” I said sheepishly, thinking maybe I was afraid I was losing business? People were going to other workshops instead of mine? But I quickly came to the realization that I lose nothing when other people get ideas from my work. Haven’t I learned and gotten ideas from other teachers I’ve studied with and other great books I’ve read?

“Oh, Louise,” I said, “thank you for that. I see clearly that I lose nothing from other people playing off my ideas. I have plenty of clients and I can only work with about 80 people a year. There’s plenty of business for everyone!” I knew that. I just forgot for a minute.

There was general agreement about this, and Louise shared about a great book she was reading called “Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” by Austin Kleon, which I promptly purchased and enjoyed reading. It’s terrifically funny, and he mentions many famous artists and writers like Francis Ford Coppola, who said, “We want you to take from us. We want you, at first, to steal from us, because you can’t steal. You will take what we give you and you will put it in your own voice and that’s how you will find your voice. And that’s how you begin. And then one day someone will steal from you.”

Writer Wilson Mizner said if you copy from one author, it’s plagiarism, but if you copy from many, it’s research.” So here I am copying from Austin, but praising him and giving him credit, too.

So I hope that some of my writings inspire you to copy, too. Put your own spin on it and speak about the ideas from your experience. And guess what? That will be original!

Prosperity is a habit. You have to practice it every day.

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Chellie Campbell is a Financial Stress Reduction® Coach and the author of The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and From Worry to Wealthy. She is one of Marci Shimoff's “Happy 100” in her NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Past president of the LA Chapter NAWBO, she was "Most Inspirational Speaker" by Women in Management and "Speaker of the Year" by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs. She does daily inspirational videos in The Wealthy Spirit Group on Facebook.

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