Spend Money with Joy

$25 ice cream cones in Rome

179 – June 28

He threw his money about like a man with no arms.”—William McIlvanney

When you spend money, spend it with joy. Spend a little extra on service personnel. Tip above the usual amount. You will create a lot of happiness for them, and you’ll feel good about it, too. Some people resent tipping, complain about it and are always cheap about it. I hope they aren’t surprised when they don’t get good service. It’s one of those self-fulfilling prophesies. Spending a little extra money—especially when you aren’t required to do it—can actually increase your income.

I used to attend a weekly breakfast of a group called “The Inside Edge” at the Beverly Hills Hotel. It was a great, high-energy meeting filled with lots of wonderful people who were making money, doing good and having fun. We had terrific motivational speakers like Jack Canfield, Barbara De Angelis, Martin Rutte, Nathanial Brandon and Susan Jeffers. It was one of the more expensive groups I belonged to, but it was worth it.

After the meeting, everyone headed for valet parking, and although there were five or six valets, it took some time for them to handle the seventy-five to one hundred people who were leaving all at once. Sometimes I had to wait thirty minutes to get my car. I wanted to get to my office and get to work right away, but didn’t want to leave the meeting early in order to avoid waiting in line. I knew that most people gave the valets the standard one-dollar tip, but I started giving them two dollars.

It only took a couple of meetings for one valet to figure out that I was good for a two-dollar tip every week. He started looking for me when the meeting let out, and when he saw me come through the door, he went to get my car. He began parking my car in a premium space near the entrance, and by the time I made it down the walkway to the driveway, he had my car ready and waiting for me to go. All this extra service for a mere dollar more!

I figure I saved myself about two hours of waiting each month and it only cost me four dollars. Since my billing rate was forty dollars per hour, I was actually making seventy-six dollars on this transaction. I was delighted to pay the valet for this service.

Stop sniping about tipping. Pay up. Cheerfully. Isn’t that how you’d like people to pay you?

Today’s Affirmation:
“I always appreciate the fine service I receive and I reward it well!”

$25 ice cream cones in Rome

People can get so worried about sticking to their budgets that they become afraid to spend any money at all, and when they do spend it, they do it with fear about losing their money and not having enough. That is the exact opposite of the Law of Attraction which says to focus on what you want and feel those feelings. So when you spend money, spend it happily, with calm assurance that you are getting good value and not depleting your resources. You create money every month, don’t you? Somehow you perform a service for someone and you get paid, and then you pay out that money to someone else who has performed a service for you. You want to get paid with joyful appreciation from the people you served, don’t you? Then that’s what you have to give, too.

What goes around, comes around. Give joyfully, and receive joyfully. To do anything else is to invest in the Law of Repelling.

Prosperity is a habit. You have to practice it every day.

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Chellie Campbell is a Financial Stress Reduction® Coach and the author of The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and From Worry to Wealthy. She is one of Marci Shimoff's “Happy 100” in her NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Past president of the LA Chapter NAWBO, she was "Most Inspirational Speaker" by Women in Management and "Speaker of the Year" by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs. She does daily inspirational videos in The Wealthy Spirit Group on Facebook.

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