305 – November 1
“We are each of us angels with only one wing and we can fly only by embracing one another.”—Luciano de Crescenzo
Sometimes, no matter what I do, it seems that nothing is working. Every call I make to enroll someone in the workshop is a “no,” people who I thought were enrolled for sure call to change their mind, a bill I wasn’t expecting crops up unannounced. I find myself fighting fear of financial stress—again. All systems are not go. I do not pass go; I do not collect $200.
Breakdown. We all have these times. Who knows why? Something isn’t centered within our own thoughts and beliefs, we have a new challenge or a new lesson to learn, it’s a full moon, Mercury’s in retrograde, or it’s the economy, stupid.
I only know what works to get me past it—help someone else. As Zig Ziglar is fond of saying, “You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want.” I take this to heart on these days that trying to get my own needs fulfilled isn’t working. I pull out my list of contacts and instead of focusing on who wants to buy my services, I concentrate on a magical question: “Who can I help today?”
On these helping days, I put aside all thoughts of myself and my business and dedicate the day to serving others. I enroll in someone else’s course. I buy makeup from my beauty consultant. I peruse all my networking contacts to see who could benefit from each other. I call anyone I can think of who could use the services of someone else I know and tell them about each other. I invite people to come to networking meetings with me. I call people to tell them I’m thinking about them, and is there anything I can help them with today. I write testimonial letters to tell people I think they’re wonderful. I make it my business to spread happiness and good cheer.
What happens when I do this seems almost magical. As I help others, I help myself. When I make someone else happy, I become happy. My day brightens as I brighten someone else’s day. And then the dam breaks. Whatever was holding me back, disappears. Referrals start calling me “out of the blue.” People call who I’ve never met, referred by people I’ve never met! Money and good start flowing to me again.
Whenever you’re not getting, give. Then watch the dam break, and the flood of good flow over you.
Today’s Affirmation:
“I give my abundance to others, and it flows back to me multiplied!”
Katherine, a dear friend and client of mine, recently told me that she has signs posted around her office of things I’ve said. She printed them up to keep herself on track, reminding her of her purpose and helping to motivate her to do the things she knows are important.
One sign says, “Sales calls are the sacrifices we make on behalf of our clients so the people who need what we have can get it. Otherwise they might live their entire lives without these benefits that could make them richer and happier.”
The short version of that is a sign that I posted by my phone: “Somebody needs your help!”
This is setting my intention and reason for the call. I think it’s a lot easier to make a telephone call to someone to help them than it is to make a sale. It’s easier to call to make a friend than to call to ask for money. Yes, I need to make sales, too. I have to earn a living after all. But when it happens as a result of my outreach to help, the clients that result from that interaction are better clients – more fun and more profitable – because we started from friendship.