People Love to Give Me Money

5 – January 5

“Money swore an oath that nobody who did not love it should ever have it.”—Irish proverb

When I work with groups, I always ask if anyone ever took a class on making and managing money in grade school or high school. Very few hands go up. Without official training in this subject, people are left to formulate their own ideas based on what they heard, read, or saw others do. So what did you hear about money when you were growing up? What did your parents say to you when you asked for money? What did you read about money? What did your teachers, friends, neighbors tell you? What were the old clichés you heard? These thoughts became your “money mantras” and they resound in your mind whether or not you are conscious of them. And they create your financial reality. Try completing the following sentences:

“Money doesn’t grow ____________.”

“The love of money is the root _____________.”

“The rich get richer and ________________.”

“Save for a _____________.”

“It takes money to __________.”

“It’s just as easy to marry _________________.”

“Money can’t buy ______________.”

My workshop participants call out the answers immediately. As each one is mentioned, I write it on the white board for everyone to see. As I add more and more negative statements, the room gets quieter and quieter. The energy level goes way down. The feeling is palpable as people focus on their negative ideas about money. I ask them to feel the energy in the room and they all notice it’s more depressed. Then I ask, “How many people believe in the power of positive thinking?” Many people raise their hands, but then I run to the board and point out all the negative statements and ask, “Then what’s this?!”

This generally gets a good laugh as people realize that they may believe in thinking positive, but they haven’t really taken the time to evaluate their thoughts that they are constantly replaying in their minds. At this point, they’re ready to learn some new positive thoughts about money. The very first affirmation I teach them is, “People love to give me money!” I have them say it out loud with me, and the energy level in the room goes up immediately. People start laughing—it’s fun, and it feels so different to say a positive, fun, money affirmation. I say, “See, you can’t say it without smiling!”

Many people make this statement a part of their daily affirmation program. And the results have been amazing. One attorney thought it was silly, but was game to try it and so repeated this statement all the way home from the class. As he walked up to his front door, his roommate ran out and handed him a check for money he had owed him for nine months. Effie, a young photographer, was saying this affirmation in her car. When she stopped at a traffic light, a homeless man knocked on her window. When she rolled it down, he handed her five dollars!

Change your mind about money today and change your experience with money tomorrow. Try it and see.

Today’s Affirmation:
“People love to give me money!”

A woman posted this comment about affirmations on my blog a while back:

“Oh, Chellie. Right off the bat you’ve hit my “this will never work” button. When saying this affirmation, all I can think about is the lack I’ve had in my life since childhood. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna say it, but this will truly be a “fake it, ’til you make it” affirmation for me!”

Ah, yes, “Fake it ‘til you make it”, that great old show biz adage. Well, I’m here to tell you it works. And here’s why:

You’re wearing your thinking.

You wear your thoughts like you wear clothes. Your thinking shows up on your face and in your body language and in your energy. You are projecting joy, success, and prosperity or you are projecting misery, failure, and poverty. And all points in between. People can see it and they can feel it. They respond, consciously and unconsciously, to the thoughts you project.

I explained this once on a radio show in Billings, Montanta, when my book, The Wealthy Spirit, was first released. The interviewer was Tommy B, and the call letters of the radio station were KBUL. I pictured him as a skeptical guy in a cowboy hat and boots, and didn’t think he was going to be wildly enthusiastic about practicing positive thinking.

I was right. The first thing Tommy said after he introduced me was “I have to tell you I am a skeptic. You aren’t going to tell me that saying some silly positive phrases is going to make me more money, are you?”

“Well, yes, Tommy, I am,” I said.

“Okay,” he said, sounding perfectly delighted to have some controversy, “You are going to have to explain how that works.”

“It’s really quite logical,” I explained. “For example, let’s say a friend of yours walks into your house and he’s really angry about something. Can you tell he’s angry before he says so?”

“Yes,” replied Tommy.

“Well, he looks happy.”

“Yes—because you’re wearing your thinking. Your emotional state is reflected in your body language and on your face.”

“I guess that’s true,” said Tommy. “But how is that going to make me more money?”

“Wait and I’ll explain,” I said. “Do you network in the community to promote your radio show? Do you go to Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, and other business or trade associations meetings?”

“Oh, sure,” he replied. “I go to things like that all the time.”

“When you’re there, do you notice that some people look happy and successful, and other people look angry and complaining?”

“Yes,” chuckled Tommy.

“And, in addition to promoting yourself, do you sometimes hire the people you meet to provide products or services for you? To design or print your business cards, or sell you stationery supplies, or provide your insurance?”


“So do you hire the people who look happy and successful, or do you hire the people who look angry and complaining?

“I hire the people who look happy and successful,” he replied.


“Because if they look happy and successful, I expect they will do a good job. It will be a pleasure working with them and there won’t be any problems.”

“Exactly,” I said. “That is why positive thinking works. You repeat positive statements to yourself in order to talk yourself into a happy, successful feeling. That feeling is going to show on your face and in your body language. People will look at your smiling face, hear the smile in your voice, and see you as successful. Whether you are or not! In show business they say to “Fake it ‘til you make it.” Positive thinkers are using that principle in daily life. Act joyful and successful every day, and more people will hire you and be willing to pay you top dollar. Soon you’ll find you aren’t acting anymore. You’ll actually be successful. And happy. And rich.”

“Oh,” exclaimed Tommy. “I never thought about it like that.”

We’re all wearing our thinking. Are you wearing prosperity or poverty? Success or failure? Love or hate? And who do you think you are attracting with that energy?

You’re wearing your thinking.

Prosperity is a habit. You have to practice it every day.

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Chellie Campbell is a Financial Stress Reduction® Coach and the author of The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and From Worry to Wealthy. She is one of Marci Shimoff's “Happy 100” in her NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Past president of the LA Chapter NAWBO, she was "Most Inspirational Speaker" by Women in Management and "Speaker of the Year" by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs. She does daily inspirational videos in The Wealthy Spirit Group on Facebook.

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