15 – January 15
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”—Aristotle
Money is a metaphor in life. It allows you to test your ability to manifest reality from your thoughts. It is tangible, concrete: You can count it; you can calculate your results exactly.
Demonstrate it for yourself. Change your thoughts about money: Practice affirmations daily. If you’re already doing them, do more of them more often. Just as importantly, stop all the negative thoughts about money—give up your victimhood, your resentfulness, your anger, your jealousy. Appreciate and love everyone’s money—not just your own.
Then translate your new positive thoughts about money into positive actions with money—making it, saving it, spending it. Send out your ships with the fresh new air of your joyful beliefs billowing in the sails. Then watch more money flow more easily into your life, notice how much easier your work becomes, enjoy the increasing richness of your surroundings. At the end of the month, count your money. Do you have more than you did before? If the answer is yes, then congratulate yourself on a job well done.
Now the trick is to keep doing it. Consistency is everything. Amazingly, many people stop after having great results for two or three months and revert to their old, ingrained habits. Perhaps they keep sending out ships, but think their mind has been changed forever, so they stop doing the affirmations, and behold! Their ships sink and they don’t know what happened. Or they keep doing the affirmations (thinking they’re some sort of magic charm) and stop sending out ships. No ships, no money. Very tangible. Very concrete.
When this process has become internalized and your new habit, you have consciously learned the art of manifesting your reality. I believe that’s one of life’s greatest lessons that we’re on this planet to learn. Money is just a concrete, easy and convenient way to learn it. It’s school.
You are supposed to graduate, however. If you get stuck in the school of manifesting money, you can be a very unhappy person. That’s why you see many people who have achieved great wealth give away a lot of it. They’ve learned how to manifest money and now they’re on to the next lesson. Now they’re looking for the ships that arrive with intangible treasures: Love, community, integrity, honor, authenticity, peace.
Conversely, some people are trying to avoid the money school. They want the intangibles, but want to somehow skip the grades that involve feeding and clothing the body. They often suffer from the fear of financial insecurity, resent the jobs they take that don’t pay well and have spiteful opinions of people who’ve mastered money school. Well, they don’t seem to have the intangibles down either, do they? You can’t help the poor if you are the poor.
There is internal wealth and external wealth. They are not mutually exclusive.
Today’s Affirmation:
“My ships are piled high with treasure and I’m unloading them today!”
Being consistent is a challenge for me. I like to have freedom. Nine-to-five jobs always made me feel boxed in and controlled – and for such a large percentage of my life! 40 hours eek.
But even theater jobs have that rigidity – the curtain goes up at 8:00 and you’ve got to be in place in costume and makeup. When I did Hello, Dolly! with Martha Raye, Bill Mulliken who played Cornelius, had been on Broadway in that musical performing 8 shows a week for 3 years. Yikes. Professional acting lost a bit of its stardust for me when I found that out. Later, I did 5 shows a day 5 days a week at Disneyland. That was the end of my acting days. I had never been more bored with anything in my entire life.
However, now as a Financial Stress Reduction Coach, I have to be consistent with my teleclasses, too. Every week for 8 weeks, I show up and teach class 2 hours on Monday and 2 hours on Wednesday. I can’t miss it, and I can’t be late when “the curtain goes up.” But those are small amounts of time compared to 40 hour weeks or 8 shows a week. I can handle that. And I take a 4-week break between sessions, too, so again I have plugged in some freedom into my life.
If you are in business for yourself, you are going to have to develop a structure that works for your temperament. For me, a mixture of freedom and structure works best. I teach my classes Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. People ask me if I researched the best days to teach classes, when are the most people available, etc. No. I teach classes Monday through Wednesday because I want to have lots of 4-day weekends Thursday through Sunday, see?
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings I make phone calls. Afternoons are for meditation, napping and creating. Monday I do paperwork, and Friday mornings, too but then I take off early. When I add in special projects, I look at my schedule very carefully to see if I can handle the time commitment and where it fits in to my week. Then if I feel it’s worth the commitment, I put it on the calendar.
Adding in writing time for this daily blog was a very big commitment, and I thought hard about whether I could do it. But I saw that I could write the blogs ahead of time if I felt like writing or if I was going out of town, so it feels more free than if I had to write it every day at the same time. And I love writing! But I notice that if I don’t have a deadline, I don’t do it.
Figuring out what schedule works for you will make your life a joy or a drudgery. And there must be blank spaces in the calendar! If you’re too committed every hour of the day, you won’t have time for creativity. If you’re not committed enough, you won’t do enough work to make a living. What’s the right balance of structure and freedom for you?