
Buddha by Gayle Etcheverry

365 – December 31

A Prayer for us All

“I honor the place within you

Where the whole universe resides.

I honor the place within you

Of love, of light, of truth, of peace.

I honor the place within you,

Where, when you are in that place in you,

And I am in that place in me,

There is only one of us.

Namaste.”—Nepalese Prayer, contributed by Lesleigh Tolin

Thank you for walking this road with me; for sharing space on the planet Earth, and being who you are. (If you have gotten to the end of this book, I’ll bet you’re one of My People!)

At the beginning of this book, I asked you to write down your “Intended Results,” to list your financial, emotional, and spiritual goals for the next year. What was your intention in reading this book? What did you want to have achieved by the end of it? Did it happen? Did you grow? Did your money grow with you? What did you get that surprised you?

Make a list of your accomplishments, and celebrate them. We need to take every possible occasion to praise and honor ourselves. You have succeeded! You are a success! Celebrate!

Whatever remains undone, transfer to a new list of “Intended Results” for next year. And begin again. This book is a tool that can help you along the way every year.

I leave you with a final affirmation of abundance for your life:

Today I declare that I am free. I am free from all past humiliations, hurts, fears, embarrassments, addictions, bad habits, neuroses, illnesses, and dissatisfactions. The tragedies of my life hold no power over me. I let go the ancient angst and arise from phoenix ashes, renewed, refreshed, energized, and empowered.

I declare my financial freedom and demand that all the rivers of my good flow abundantly to me now. Gold and goodness heaps upon me, and all that I take in I use in righteousness and truth. In return, I shower abundance on those before me. The world benefits from my presence. I live my life as fully as possible to shine the light of power and possibility over all who enter my circle of influence. I am free to be. I am free to be me. I am free to be me abundantly.

I pass this gift to all who hear it, see it, feel it. I am great, I am magnificent, I am radiant. I am perfect, whole, distilled, clear, farseeing, and farseeking. My place in the universe is assured and special. I matter. At peace with the earth and sky, rivers, fields, mountain, streams, and dreams, sparkling diamonds in the sunlight of life, I call to all in harmony with the ages. I am ageless, I am one, I am all. I am satisfied, I am content, I am filled. Thank you, God.

Peace be with you. May your life be rich—inside and out.

Today’s Affirmation:
“I am free. I am free to be me. I am free to be me abundantly.”

Buddha by Gayle Etcheverry
Buddha by Gayle Etcheverry

I got chills reading this just now. I think this must have come through me direct from the Universe, because I don’t remember writing it and it moves me deeply. I think I need to read this one every day for a few days. Maybe all year…

My friend Lesleigh took my course many years ago, and at the end of the last class, asked if we could all link arms while she said this prayer. She told us how, when she was young and working for American Airlines, they sent her on a mission to Nepal for three months.

The people in the Nepalese village where she stayed greeting the morning each day with a beautiful chant. She wanted to know what they were saying, and asked several times for the translation. They smiled but she didn’t get the translation until just before she left. It stayed with her, and she says it often.

When our group held each other and bowed our heads for this prayer, we were truly one. And I have said that prayer with every class since.

Remember your greatness and regard yourself with kindness. Celebrate your accomplishments of this year before you plan what you’re going to do next year. Pause to reflect and enjoy this moment of closure and remembrance of things past.

Your life is a treasure. Thank you for being “My People”.

I live my life as fully as possible to shine the light of power and possibility over all who enter my circle of influence.

Prosperity is a habit. You have to practice it every day.

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Chellie Campbell is a Financial Stress Reduction® Coach and the author of The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and From Worry to Wealthy. She is one of Marci Shimoff's “Happy 100” in her NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Past president of the LA Chapter NAWBO, she was "Most Inspirational Speaker" by Women in Management and "Speaker of the Year" by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs. She does daily inspirational videos in The Wealthy Spirit Group on Facebook.

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